How Do Dental Veneers Work?

woman's smile after getting dental veneers

If you want to enhance the beauty of your smile, cosmetic dentistry is a great choice! Dental veneers are an especially popular treatment as they permanently transform your smile. How do they work?

What Happens When You Get Dental Veneers? 

Veneers are made from very thin, tooth-colored material. They work by covering the front of a tooth and hiding any imperfections. Before bonding the veneer, the dentist first cleans and polishes your teeth. Then, we shave off a tiny amount of tooth enamel and place the veneer. Removing the enamel helps the veneer bond better and look more natural. Because of this enamel removal, veneers are permanent.

What’s the Purpose of Veneers? 

We use veneers for a handful of reasons, such as covering chips, reshaping slightly crooked or misshapen teeth, hiding deep stains, and closing small gaps. Thanks to veneers, your smile will look even, consistent, and stunning. 

How Long Do Veneers Last?

Veneers are a permanent treatment, but the shells don’t last forever. They will most likely need to be replaced at some point. Porcelain veneers can last over a decade while composite veneers often need to be replaced every 4-8 years. Veneers don’t decay, but you still need to brush, floss, and visit the dentist at least every six months. 

How Much Do Veneers Cost?

The price of your veneers depends on how many you’re getting. One veneer will cost less than if you get veneers for all your teeth. We’ll always give you an accurate cost estimate before beginning treatment. If you pay in full, you get a 5% cash discount. We also accept payments through CareCredit.

Dental Veneers at Gary Johnson DDS Family & Cosmetic Dentistry in Chico, CA 

If you’ve always wanted a picture-perfect smile, veneers could make your dream a reality. We’ll design each veneer for your specific needs and make sure the veneers enhance your smile without looking or feeling strange. If you have any questions or want to book a consultation with Dr. Johnson to see if you’re a good candidate, please contact us today!