Periodontal Care in Chico, CA

High-quality periodontal care is essential for patients who have periodontal disease. There are four stages of gum disease: gingivitis, mild periodontal disease, moderate periodontal disease, and severe periodontal disease. Dr. Johnson is well-versed when it comes to treating gum disease and helping patients maintain positive oral health. To learn more or schedule your next visit, please contact our dentist near you.

How will I know if I need periodontal therapy?

smiling woman sitting in dental chair

Once gum disease has progressed past gingivitis and developed into periodontal disease, patients will often have noticeable symptoms that indicate that periodontal therapy is necessary. If your gums are bleeding frequently, darker, redder, swollen, or more sensitive than usual, it’s likely that some preventive dental care will be required to treat the issue. If you haven’t been to a dentist in a while and you are concerned about the state of your gums, feel free to contact our office and schedule a visit with our Chico dental team, and we’ll be happy to assist.

What does periodontal therapy involve?

A large part of periodontal treatment involves regular periodontal deep cleanings. Deep cleanings use a combination of scaling and root planing to clean the gums thoroughly and effectively. Scaling involves carefully removing built-up plaque and tartar that has collected in the gums. This can be an involved process, and our team may work in quadrants and schedule additional appointments for you to avoid excess gum pain and discomfort. Root planing is then done to smooth out the tooth roots and help the gums reattach to the sides of the teeth.

Is periodontal therapy necessary?

Keeping up with routine deep cleanings and an enhanced at-home oral care routine may not sound all that fun, but it is incredibly important for maintaining the healthiest smile possible. Without sufficient periodontal treatment, the infection can spread and cause the gums and jawbone to deteriorate. Patients can also end up losing teeth due to their gums becoming severely damaged. Regardless of where you are in your oral health journey, our team wants to help you have healthy teeth and gums. Contact our office today!