Which Cosmetic Dental Procedures Are Right for You?

young woman discusses cosmetic dental options with the dental assistant

If you’re not happy with how your smile looks, there are cosmetic procedures that can help! We offer treatments that whiten, straighten, and transform your smile. Which procedure is right for you? 

Teeth Whitening

Want to remove tooth stains and get a beautiful white smile? Some store-bought treatments whiten your teeth at home (like whitening toothpaste), but professional whitening is much more effective. At our office, we offer chair-side bleaching, which takes 60-90 minutes. Depending on the stains we’re dealing with, you may need more than one visit. A rubber shield or gel protects your gums during whitening. We apply a bleaching agent and use a special light to enhance its effects, giving you a significantly whiter, brighter smile. We also offer take-home whitening trays. 

Clear Braces

If you want to straighten your teeth and close gaps, clear braces may be an option. Treatment plans consist of a series of clear plastic aligners, which are removable and comfortable. Each aligner is worn for 2-3 weeks before you switch to the next set. Treatment time varies, but the average time is 9-15 months. Many people are eligible for clear braces, but some alignment issues still require traditional braces. 

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers, which are thin shells that bond to the front of your teeth, are a permanent cosmetic procedure. They cover stains, even out misshapen teeth, hide chips, and close small gaps. When we place them, we need to remove a small amount of tooth enamel. We can’t reverse this procedure, so getting veneers is a permanent decision. If you’ve always wanted a perfect smile and other treatments don’t cut it, veneers are a great option. 

Cosmetic Dentistry at Gary Johnson DDS Family & Cosmetic Dentistry in Chico, CA

Many insurance plans don’t cover cosmetic dentistry. To help make treatment affordable, we accept CareCredit, which offers low to no-interest payment plans. We also offer a 5% cash discount if you pay for your treatment in full. Whether you want a whiter smile, straighter teeth, or a smile like a celebrity, we’re here to help. Please contact us today with any questions or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Johnson