Sedation Dentistry

woman relaxed during dental procedure

Sedation dentistry, also occasionally referred to as relaxation dentistry, is way to manage discomfort, pain, and anxiety during dental treatment. With sedation dentistry, we can provide safe, comfortable dental care to patients who are nervous, feel afraid, or have special needs.

You can benefit from sedation dentistry if you experience one or more of the following:

  • Fear of dental care (or needles/shots)

  • Complex dental issues

  • Multiple procedures needed

  • Past traumatic experiences at dentist

  • Sensitive teeth

  • Sensitive gag reflex

  • Trouble sitting for long periods/restlessness


Sedation Dentistry Delivers Comfortable Dental Experiences

At our office in Chico, our dentist offers oral conscious sedation, one of the most common types of sedation dentistry, to help you feel comfortable. Oral conscious sedation will make you feel very drowsy and relaxed. In most cases, you will remember very little about your sedation dentistry experience when you are more alert, but you will notice positive changes in your oral health!

Oral Conscious Sedation

With oral conscious sedation, your doctor provides you with an oral medication that will help you enter a deep state of relaxation while remaining conscious.