Why Would I Need to See My Dentist Every Three or Four Months?

The standard recommendation for visiting the dentist is every six months. Most insurance plans cover this number of preventive dental care visits. Depending on the state of your oral health though, your dentist may even suggest visiting every three or four months. Read our blog post to find out why.

When Are Fluoride Treatments Necessary?

What if we told you that one of the most powerful treatments you can receive at your dentist’s office takes only a few minutes to complete and is completely painless? Fluoride treatments are an excellent way to protect your teeth from cavities and decay. Read our blog post where we walk you through what a fluoride treatment entails and how often you should get one.

Does Sedation Help with Dental Anxiety?

For some patients, dental anxiety is a concern that often prevents dental visits or dental work. When dental anxiety is this severe, it becomes a problem as your dental health affects the well-being of your teeth and gums and overall wellness. Fortunately, sedation dentistry is an option to help you feel comfortable and relaxed during dental procedures. Read our blog post to learn about the benefits of sedation dentistry.

Are Root Canal Procedures Painful?

When a tooth gets infected, a root canal is the only way to deal with the infection and save the natural tooth. Many people fear root canals because they sound painful, but modern dentistry has made the procedure much more comfortable. Read our bog post to learn more about root canal therapy.