Expert Dentist in Chico, California | Gary Johnson, DDS

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The Benefits of a Straight Smile

Have you been dreaming of having perfectly straight teeth? If so, you probably have your own personal reason for why you think it would be so great. But there are lots of benefits to a straight smile that you might not have ever considered before, giving you all the more reason to pursue it.

A More Beautiful, Confident Smile

This one is an easy one. Straightening your teeth may be just what you need to feel confident showing off your smile, whether in person or in photos. And when you feel confident in your smile, it can help you feel more confident overall. Positive self-esteem is priceless!

Cleaner Teeth

Straighter teeth are easier to keep clean than crooked teeth since there are fewer little nooks and crannies for food to hide in while you’re brushing and flossing. When you have clean teeth, it decreases your likelihood of developing cavities and gum disease. This in turn can promote better overall wellness, too.

Less Abnormal Wear & Tear

When your teeth aren’t properly aligned, it can cause uneven or extra wear on the enamel due to the way they come together when chewing. Your adult teeth are the only set you get and are made to last you a lifetime, not to mention the fact that enamel doesn’t grow back, so you want to protect what you have!

Solution to Headaches Related to Alignment

For some people, the misalignment of their teeth leads them to experience frequent headaches, or discomfort in their jaw connected to their TMJ (temporomandibular joint). Depending on your situation, straightening your teeth could help alleviate this issue.

At Gary Johnson DDS, we love making people’s dreams of a straight smile a reality. Contact our dental office to learn more about how cosmetic dentistry can help you get the perfect smile you’ve always wanted.

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